Title: Leo
Submitter: Asyra
Description: Requested by Leandro... I hope you like it. :)
Thanks again for that nice picture of Clover as mouse!
Title: My little chestnut...
Submitter: Asyra
Description: [i]"Nature is not only all that is visible to the eye -- it also includes the inner pictures of the soul."
Edward Munch[/i]
I love this quote. :)
Anyway, I thought about two days if I should post this pic here... but I guess as my friends you should know how I feel.
Well, spring is sneaking in on silent feet... and just like every single spring the last five years my thoughts wander back to the wild, overgrown garden...it isn't the empty, horrible feeling as the last time, but it is there, it makes me somehow melancholic and thoughtfully, and sad, as every year. My family now has a new nearbygarden.. but it isn't the same, especially because we have to sell it again.. *sighs*
I miss my chestnut... I still can't believe the new owners of the garden cut it.
But I did promise myself something:
If I have an own garden as grownup, the first plant I will buy will be a chustnut-sapling... :)
Title: "I hate drawing..."
Submitter: Asyra
Description: Hehe, actually I don't, but sometimes, when just no line wants to fit, and you throw away hundreds of scetches, drawing gets pretty annoying! ;)
So ... well, I'm back!
I left the gallery some months ago, because I lost interest in drawing NIMH-Fanart, but I guess I just needed to stay away for some time, to be honest, I visited the gallery every day anyway, so I never was completely gone..... but now I'm back again, as insane and coffee-addicted as ever! *muhahahaha*
And I guess this scetch here just represents my situation a few hours ago. - I wanted to draw something for my return to gallery, but just had no idea what I should draw... *chuckles*
PS: I would have colored this one, but my graphic tablet pen seems to have some problems, it doesn't work... I hope it isn't broken ...
Title: Hundred pictures
Submitter: Asyra
Description: Wow... I just recognized that I have finally hundred items in my gallery... so I just drew a little pic to celebrate this!
WOOHOO! *dances*
PS: Man, I so have to learn this style again.... blurgh.
Title: Rats as mice
Submitter: Asyra
Description: Oh yeah, this picture is meaner than Jenner's diabolic eyebrows!
Yes, I know I'm silly... XD
So, I got this idea months ago, and never found time to draw it, until now.
Here you go, Justin, Jenner and Brutus as mice. - Although I have to admit that Jenner looks more like a younger, evil version of himself than like a mouse. :P
Title: Siblings..
Submitter: Asyra
Description: Just wanted to draw the "What if..." - kids again. ;)
Aaron and Dawn, having a.... rough "discussion"...
Maybe he said girls could not fight, and Dawn is showing him HOW girls can't fight.. :P
I guess this will stay an unfinished piece.
Title: duane
Submitter: Asyra
Description: So, a little gift to DB, because he did so many marvellous pictures for me! I know, it isn't as good as the thanks you deserve, and it doesn't even come close to my appreciaton of every single picture you have done for me... but I still hope you like it, Daniel! *hugs you* :)
Title: Brisby - rat
Submitter: Asyra
Description: Yap, Mrs. Brisby as rat... just because I was bored. ;)
Title: Clover's parents
Submitter: Asyra
Description: Well, I had the design of Clover's parents in mind for a few months, and I now scribbled something very quickly to show you her mother Heather, and her father Harold.
Heather... she is the energetic part of the couple, she is not able to relax, at least not if she knows she has to do something. She is the kind of person who is not able to delay something.... furthermore, she doesn't like to handle critical problems, more she just covers problems with a "wonderful" familyworld...
She never really was interested in the life of her first daughter, and she does not accept and like her interests and the way she lives her life... after a big quarrel the both once had about Clover's life, they do not talk very often to each other... and if they talk, it's like they would be strangers to each other.
Clover's father is the calm and serene part of the two.. he mostly just agrees silently to his wife, and keeps himself in the background. - Just like Clover his mind is somehow unsorted, and he is... well, almost the opposite of Heather.
He is mostly interesting in easy life, and is not as ambitious as his wife...
He and Clover still contact each other very often, unlike to Clover and her mom..., Clover is more like her father, Hazel more like their mother.
Title: Snuggling
Submitter: Asyra
Description: Everybody loves cute, cuddly pictures. - Me too, as long as they are not too pink, hypercute and oversnuggly...
But anyway, I felt like drawing something nice, so here you go Marcus:
Vincent and Roxanne suggling. :)
Title: kindergarten
Submitter: Asyra
Description: Sorry for never uploading something in the last weeks. Life is too stressful for me in the moment... ^^°
However, here is a scetch I did a few days ago, showing Clover in.. kindergarten - age? This would fit... anyway, the difference between me and other children was already recognizable in this time: I never played together with the girls and their dolls, but I ever tussled with the boys. - And I often won! XD
So somehow this picture shows a scene of this time, maybe the boys made fun of Clover, and she ... eh well.. XD
The text says: "Who's laughing now?"
I find it somehow funny, that I (and therefore Clover) have grown to such calm and pacifistic beings... XD
Title: Little
Submitter: Asyra
Description: Do you remember the race-transformation pictures of Mrs. Brisby and the rats? Well, now it's Clover's turn. ;)
Title: Dark Embrace
Submitter: Asyra
Description: A little request of Darla of the characters Cluny and Cornflower. :)
I hope you like the result!
Title: Pondering
Submitter: Asyra
Description: *shrugs* I somehow felt like drawing the subadult Xavier again. - So I just drew him. :P
As the title says, he is pondering about something...or just staring into clouds. XD
Title: Reading
Submitter: Asyra
Description: So, I began to draw this one on monday, but didn't find the time to finish it. - Well, I'm back home again and saved my time to do this n.n
After I've read the comments on the "These what if ... - children", I thought how the three could look like when they are older. - And somehow I like to draw the three "What if" - kids of Clover .... BTW, I also thought about names for the both siblings of Violet.
For her, the bold and stubborn one, Dawn (ever liked this name) and for the boy Aaron (hope nobody has named a character with this name before ... ?)
So, they are about "adult mouse" size here, might a bit taller, and it seems like Timothy gives them some reading lessons. n.n Hope it's okay that I added him to this scene :)
Title: These "What if" - children
Submitter: Asyra
Description: Well, maybe just an experiment. - Someone wondered how Clover's children would look like, if she had any ;)
And because I can't resist designing new characters, I tried to create their "What if" - kids.
Didn't think really of names yet, just for this girl in the left corner. - Violet. (Just for keeping this "flower"- names tradition alive ^^)
So, about the characters. - You might can see it from the poses, I thought of the left one, "Violet", that she could be quite calm and friendly, the girl in the middle more the bold one, and the boy on the right somehow adventurous ...
But because it was just a week until this suggestion of the kids, I didn't really thought of some special characters for them ... well, Hope you like it n.n
EDIT: Yeah, they already got names!
from left to right:
Violet, Dawn and Aaron